Saturday 7 April 2018

Discover the Allure of Turquoise Jewelry with Dina Huntinghorse

There may be a lot of remarkable Native American jewelry artists, but each of them will have some unique qualities that make their works stand out and appealing to various types of collectors. Dina Huntinghorse, for instance, blends contemporary and traditional jewelry making methods to create masterpieces that make perfect additions to any collection. Every piece created by Dina Huntinghorse is a unique work of art. Her unique style is born out of her life experiences, which in turn led her to crafting jewelry. Turquoise jewelry is among her best-selling products to date.

Dina Huntinghorse hails from the Wichita tribe. Many of the designs in her fine turquoise jewelry are inspired by her life on the Great Plains. Weather images, wolves, buffaloes, and horses are predominant in her designs. Her highly respected, well-known late husband, Herbert Taylor, a Navajo jeweler, helped learn and master the art of inlay and overlay techniques, both of which are often seen in her style of art. The allure of Dina Huntinghorse’s turquoise jewelry helped her earn many awards from notable sources like the Autry Indian Marketplace, the Heard Museum, and Santa Fe Indian Market.

Many of Dina Huntinghorse’s designs are a reflection of her honor for her tribal teachings, particularly like the hunting abilities of the wolf and the animal’s importance for a family in the form of packs. She chooses the finest turquoise for her pieces, too. Bisbee turquoise is a lustrous stone with a timeless blue hue and reddish brown matrix, and it is the centerpiece of one of her rings, which she made out of solid 14K gold over sterling silver. The ring is a beautiful and elegant piece that can become an heirloom in the family.

The rare gem grade Apache Blue turquoise solid 14k gold pendant is another notable piece by Dina Huntinghorse. The eye-catching and elegant piece features a large, gorgeous high-domed Apache Blue turquoise, a rare stone from a Nevada mine. Dina made the solid 14 karat gold ingot by hand, and it perfectly emphasizes the turquoise on the pendant.

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